Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Pluto, Mars, and My Social Justice Car

I'm sorry I haven't been blogging lately. Blogging has been the pits....Like arm pits. Blogging has been arm pits. Nobody else updates...I don't update. It's simple.

Anyway. School has started and I'm tired all ready. My first thought though was about Pluto. (Not the dog, the planet but I liked the picture of the dog better) What's this stuff about it "officially not being a planet anymore" I have been taught since kindergarten that it was and now it's not? You can't just say it's not because than you could say "the US is not a country anymore." Oh well. They probably had good reason though...or maybe not.

The "Mars" in the title wasn't actually about the planet it was about my teacher Mrs. Mars. (But again I liked the picture of the planet better) So, if you don't know this, I spent most of my summer reading The Count of Monte Cristo. For school, we had to read the book and write a paper for English class. I read the book and wrote what I thought was a good paper. I showed up with the paper on the first day of school in English II class room 204 with my paper in hand. I asked when we would turn it in and she told me Monday. I was satisfied. Monday I show up with my paper and my homework from Friday, ready to turn in. We go to hand it all in and she said "Don't turn in your homework, we're going to go over it." I recognized this but still went to hand my paper in but she said "You're not supposed to be handing anything in to me." So I thought "I guess we'll turn it in later." I almost forgot about it when two days later someone in the class asked "When do you want our Summer Reading papers?" She replied "Uhh...Last Monday!" Everyone was confused. Then she said "I will accept them for half credit." I was crazy mad. I worked hard on the thing. I had to have my mom talk to her because she's a scary lady. But it all got worked out and I got full credit. My Mom's amazing.

On the other side of life...I got a 4runner a few months ago. I can't drive it yet because I'm not old enough so it sits. For a while, my brother's car was broken so he borrowed my Dad's car and my Dad drove mine. Soon after....My sister's car got totaled and she has been borrowing it for several weeks until she got a new one the other day. During that time both she and Jordan (her very close really good friend...haha) drove it. Less than 24 hours later my friend Chris (Jordan's brother...haha inside joke) needed a car to use while his was being fixed so he has been driving it for a few days. Who's next...

Lastly, I'm opening up for Too Few Forgotten at the Refuge September 8th at 9. Then, I'm playing bass for my friend Ryan who's also playing. If any of you could come that would be awesome.

Well, Life's been good and I hope I get to drive my car a little bit at least in the next couple years.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Overwhelming Excitement of a Beta Fish

So, the past few days I have just been wanting a big aquarium in my room. So yesterday I went to PETCO and looked around at all the different possibilities. The main tank I was looking at was a 10 gallon tank about 20 inches wide and a foot tall. It came with everything, lights, pump, filter, ect. It was sixty bucks but I was going to do it. I also looked at a foot wide pirate ship to put on the inside which was 20. I looked at all the possible fish I could get and the main one I wanted was a bala shark which are 3 inches long as babies but could grow to be over a foot long. I was thinking "that would be so sweet if I had a shark." I wanted to put betta fish, goldfish, guppies and all kinds of things in the tank...but it came up to over a hundred bucks and my mom was like "how do you know you'll like it?" and I said "Trust me. I will love it." But I decided that was too much and the guy told me with a ten gallon tank you can't hold a bala shark at it's full grown size, let alone other fish.

So I looked around and saw another tank. Same size just no lights or cleaning stuff. I thought at first "I could get JUST a bala shark" but I realized that if I have to clean it myself I don't want to take a foot long shark out of a tank weekly. So I said how about just goldfish, guppies, and some beta. We asked the guy that but he said betas can't be with other fish. So I said, "okay just like 5 betas then." But he said betas must be alone. So in the end I got one beta fish (his name is Owen), food and cleaning supplies, a plant, a "No Fishing" sign, and a little statue of liberty.

I went home, set up his bowl, put him in and was entertained for about a minute and then went down stairs. So, what I was getting to was that things can seem a lot more exciting before they happen. Possibly even worth a hundred bucks. But in the end, it's just a beta fish.

Monday, August 07, 2006

In Sickness and In Health...and then a weird dream

Pretty catchy title huh? But this first half is actually just about sickness. I've got a virus of some kind. I think I got it from my sister who just hugs me too much. I rarely get sick. Yesterday I threw up for the first time since November of 99'. I was able to eat some food today and let it settle which is good but I still am congested and don't feel well.

Okay, Now I want to go a totally different direction from the beginning of the post and tell you about a dream I had last Saturday (Not two days ago the one before). That night a lot of the people from Saturday Night went out to celebrate Zach's birthday and a lot of them were in my dream. (If you don't go to SN you won't understand who any of these people are)

So most of the dream was about me living with Josiah and Chris. I remember it was boring living with them because they just played Scrabble all day and I had to wake them up every morning to take me to school. But I remember going with them to Saturday Night and afterwards all the people went out to a bar to celebrate my birthday. So we were all having fun sitting around a table except for everyone was doing wired things...Like Liz was sitting at the table and kept turning into Kate....And then back into herself. It was strange. Then we all started ordering drinks and because of my youngness I was just like "I'll just have a coke." And then Josiah was said, "Dude get a beer." I was trying to explain to him that I wasn't old enough, but he was like "I'll buy you a beer." So they gave me a beer and I took a drink, and it tasted like apple juice! So I had like four beers and it was fun. But then at the end of the dream Chris was yelling at me for some reason I don't know. But it was great.

I think that all came from that day I was joking with Chris about how it would be funny if I lived with them. And that night everyone went out for Zach's birthday. But I really don't know where the apple juice beer came in other than I drink a lot of apple juice.