Thursday, February 19, 2009

An update, I guess

I've been in a stage recently of putting my life in to perspective. Thinking about what I'm doing and where I'm headed. I graduate from high school in May, which I'm hoping will be the beginning of the next chapter of my life. Less of a chapter, more like another volume of the series of my life. 

To be honest, I've been stressed about a lot of things. Things such as: leaving the school I've been at for 14 years, starting college, letting go of relationships that need to be gone, making new friendships, getting a new car, and making enough money to get by this next year. 

In the next couple of months, here is what's ahead of me:

-New car- I decided yesterday, after the repairman looked at my car, it's not worth fixing.
-Getting another job to pay a car payment. 
-Getting prepared for my 1 and 1/2 month long tour this summer. This also includes: finishing recording, printing more CDs, making T-shirts and stickers, and getting money to eat.
-Graduating and final assignments for school. 

There's a lot more things I'm forgetting, but I'm just praying for guidance. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Last night...was interesting. 

Tuesday nights this semester at 6 p.m., I take a Music Appreciation class at Tulsa Community College. Last night, we got out at 730. Right in the middle of the ridiculous storm. A walk downstairs to the door and look outside. The concept of walking to my car is just a joke. So, one of the other guys in the class and I spend about 15 minutes trying to find a way to get from building to building because we're both parked on the other side of the parking lot, maybe a football field length.

No luck. We just run. 

So, I run, wearing my thin slip on shoes, which are really not much thicker than socks, if at all thicker. At some points, the water is several inches deep. Finally, I make it to my car, completely soaked. 

I pull out of the school, was planning on going to go to Shades like usual, but decided to head home because of the storm. At 81st and Mingo, I'm in the turn lane to go south on Mingo, my windshield wiper breaks. Yikes. So I turn and manage to pull into McDonalds. As I'm pulling in and pull into a spot, my car loses all power. 

I call my parents. No response. I call many more times. No response. 

Finally, I get a call back, and my Dad reminds me that I should have replaced that windshield wiper, even though he fixed it once, because it wasn't strong enough. I told him that I couldn't walk to an auto parts store (very sarcastically). They were at Admiral and Yale, I believe, and could not come help. 

I thought, "I can fix it". 

I get out of my car as the rain is just pouring (pouring is an understatement) down. I try for about a half hour to fix my wiper, my cardigan not keeping me warm, but acting as a sponge. 

No luck. 

Plan B. I search through my car for duct tape or something so I could repair the wiper. None. 
Plan C. I grab a running shoe out of my back seat and take the lace off. I use the lace to tie the wiper together. I fail on the first attempt but come out successful on the second. 

Now I've been in the rain for about 30-45 minutes, but have become very accustomed to it. 

The power problem happens to my car quite often, so I know what to do, and open the hood and jiggle the battery cable and get power again. I start the car and turn on the now functioning, but shoe-laced, wiper, but I'm still afraid to break it so I keep the wiper on the lowest setting. 

I'm almost home, but I thought I deserved a drink from QT so I pull into the one at 81st and Memorial and walk in, literally dripping water on the floor, with my hair looking like I had just come out of the shower. The clerk stares at me, because I'm obviously soaking wet and the only one in the store. 

I walk up to the counter, put my drink down, pull out 3 soggy dollars and toss them his way. He then simply says:

"You been like...running around in the rain or something?"

Saturday, February 07, 2009

If My Heart Left The Trees...

This is a song I wrote, I originally wrote it as a poem and changed the format to be a song. These are the words in song lyric form. 

I wrote it when I was having conflicting thoughts regarding my future and where I want to live and where I want to go with my life. 

"If My Heart Left The Trees"
by Spencer Sharpe

Oh there's music in my soul.
I want to rock, and I want to roll.
Oh there's music in my soul
like the black hills it flows.

My love is deep and my love is pure
but I step on things I can't endure.
I try to hide and I try to seek,
but my heart hangs up in the trees,
up above for all to see
for all to see...

But if you're blind, I will say
my breathe gives it all away. 
Sometimes I find it hard to stay
because things don't always go my way. 

But I know that if I leave,
I will cough and I will heave
all the things I'd long to see
that are so very dear to me. 

All the people, all the trees,
all the children, all the leaves,
all these things I'd long to see,
if my heart left the trees. 

Monday, February 02, 2009

I want to survive 2012...or at least this week.

Michael told me to write something. I thought about it and had nothing to say, but then I saw something about "Survive 2012". I heard something about this the other day and didn't think it was anything, but I saw something about it on the MySpace home page. Apparently, there's an old Mayan prophesy that the world will end on December 21st, 2012. 

Maybe the Charismatic Christians weren't/aren't so crazy after all with all this stuff about how we are the last generation that will live. they're still crazy. Anyway, here's the link. 

On the other hand, this last week was probably the weirdest week of my life. This is no exaggeration. I won't go into detail, because a lot of it is much too personal to just put out online, but Sunday to Sunday last week to yesterday was ridiculous, and just....weird. All sorts of things happened. 

Seriously. I wrote everything down in detail yesterday so I'll remember it for the rest of my life.