Home from Chicago...all things grow

Yes, I'm home from the glorious, windy city (No joke. It's extremely windy. The wind can literally change the course of your walking). My family and I left Wednesday afternoon for Kansas City to take a train Thursday morning to Chicago. The train was a great experience and longer, but more pleasant than riding in a car or plane.
While in the city, we had a blast. Lake Michigan is so clear and so pretty, and the city is just beautiful. Honestly, I think I might like it a little bit better than New York. That's not a final statement, but it might be true.
In Chicago, we didn't do anything outstandingly cool other than ride a train and go to H&M (which might have been my favorite part). My second favorite part may have been every time anyone ended a sentence with "Chicago," my brother tagged on "all things grow." (Which is a line in Sufjan Stevens' song "Chicago").
I'm not sure if I remember anything else other than that I went to some sweet stores and get blown away. It was awesome....